{NAME} is off to a great start on the ACT English. We have completed X exam sections so far, and {NAME} has been averaging about a XX/XX on this section. We have discussed a number of strategies and the key factors for improving on this portion of the exam. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
{NAME} and I have completed two verbal sections so far, and {NAME} had some difficulty with misplaced modifiers, run-ons, semicolons, colons, introductory clauses, non essential clauses, transition words, content questions, redundancy, irrelevancies. As a result, they are on pace for a XX/XX on this section. I have made a point to highlight the best ways to work through these types of questions, so I am hopeful {NAME} will be able to apply this knowledge on the next exam section. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.