We completed the first lesson today and {NAME} got off to a good start. We worked through sections 1-1 (Solving Equations and Inequalities), 1-3 (Interpreting Linear Functions), 1-4 (Representations of Linear Functions), and started 1-6 (Systems of Equations & Inequalities). These concepts, learned years ago, are foundational for success on the SAT math, as they make up more than one-third of the SAT Math section all on their own. While they may sound easy because they were taught so long ago, the SAT asks different and challenging questions — often that students are not expecting — and mastery of the material is incredibly important.
{Name} did very well with XXX, but struggled to grasp YYY. [Overall, however, the session went well./Overall, more work is needed with this material, as there are fundamental gaps in the knowledge.]
The homework is to complete the Desmos slideshow found here: LINK
The homework is in two parts: to complete #XX-YY in the Desmos slideshow found here (LINK) and to complete #XX-YY in the Desmos slideshow found here (LINK).
All of the math homework can be found on Desmos; however, problems can also be found in the blue book. If problems are completed in the blue book, answers should still be submitted in Desmos so that I can see if there are any issues.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.