Thank you so much for all the help, this was a fantastic class. The class helped me to feel prepared and confident for the SAT; when I went on test day I knew I was ready to tackle the test successfully. The instructors related well to all of the students, and I gained so many helpful tips about the test I feel it was completely worth my time. Learning all the strategies Gary and Andrew shared in class really improved my score. I was able to get 2010 on my SAT, an increase of almost 300 points from my PSAT, thanks to all I learned at College Planning Partnerships.
In addition to improving my scores on the SAT, my family has also gained insight into the entire college application process from Sam. Thanks to everyone at CPP, I am confident that I am on the right track to get ready for next year. This has significantly reduced the stress during my junior year, and I am sure I will be sending Sam good news next year about where I will attend college.
I highly recommend College Planning Partnerships to anyone interested in improving their scores. The instructors are very knowledgeable and always willing to help. They taught me how to go into the test confident in my own abilities and ready to do my best.
Megan Ryan
Ivoryton, Connecticut
March 2014
Megan scored 2010 – a 300 point increase over her PSAT scores